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Every person is unique and worthy. They deserve to live their best life. 

Donnie Alexander, Life Coach

Get to Know Me

His passion for connecting with people, his energy and Good Vibrations contribute to him living his purpose;

“To be a Servant and Support others in discovering their Eternal Light”.


His “Team” oriented coaching approach, locking arms with you and getting in the trenches with you, will support you in discovering your “WHY” & discovering the More, Better, Different Life you desire and deserve.  He can support you in vision and dream building, goal creation and tracking those goals to completion and achieving the results you say you want to create.


Before choosing to step into being a Candidate for Facilitation and the Producer of the Advanced Leadership Course, he had a career in the Financial Services Industry.  His company’s motto is “It’s Not About Your Money, It’s About Your Life” focusing on supporting others in discovering their Financial Road Map. You can discover yours as well.     

My Journey with Klemmer

2009 Personal Mastery

Advanced Leadership #143

Heart of the Samurai #42

Samurai Camp #32

Team Lead Samurai Camp #38

Virtual Samurai Camp #1 #7 #10

Since 2019

Candidate for Facilitation

 Producer of Advanced Leadership Course


I am a Worthy, Capable, Abundant, & Humble Man

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Married 10 Years to Beautiful Wife Barbara

Daughter, Gretchen – married for 3  years, Registered Nurse.  She Is a Compassionate, Dedicated Loving Woman.


Son, Matthew – married 2 years, Computer IT Specialist. 

He Is a Worthy, Creative and Committed Man

The Level of Coaching
You're Looking For

Donnie has over 30 years’ experience coaching High School and Collegiate Baseball & leverages that expertise in helping you to see your Internal power and Light that you may not be able to see in yourself, YET.  You can work together in discovering your greatness. 


Donnie can support you & coach you in your personal, professional & business life opportunities, help with team building in those areas and support you in discovering how this type of coaching can cross over into your many real-life scenarios, and your everyday opportunities. 


Are you ready for your next level of greatness??  Are you ready to Hit a Homerun in your Game of Life? Well then…  “Put me in Coach, I’m ready to Play”.

Are You Ready to Hit a Home Run
in the Game of Life?

Thanks for submitting!

Contact Donnie

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